✨ Brimstone ✨



For those out there who are not familiar with me – I’m known internationally under my stage name, Brimstone. I’ve been in the entertainment industry for over four decades; with a career that spans across multiple entertainment fields. I have enjoyed my time as a professional wrestler, radio host | professional podcaster, actor, voice actor, author, musician, philanthropist, food critic, and comic book | animated | children's book | video game hero. I am also an entrepreneur with multiple branded products in market, as well as the CEO of Hound Comics, Inc. and The Grindhouse Radio, Inc. In a nutshell, I’m most accurately described as a well-seasoned entertainer, celebrity personality and serial entertainment entrepreneur. Anyone who is interested in learning more can read a Bio on my Official Website HERE.

Interview Series

1. If you could live out your WILDEST dream with no fear of failure, what would you be doing?

To be honest, I truly have no fear of failure – I actually embrace it! For anyone in the industry; or seeking to get into the industry… you’ll need to understand that failing is simply part of life. You learn from it. Every time I’ve had a setback, I stop – take a couple of steps back, analyze what went wrong… then adjust and move forward twice as far! In terms of living out my wildest dreams though, I would love to be doing more of everything. I want to leave behind a legacy that will be remembered for years after I’m gone.

2. What is the most memorable, funniest, or craziest thing that has happened to you on your entertainment journey?

I think the coolest thing that has happened on my journey is the incredible opportunity I have to meet my fans all around the world! Social Media (albeit the bane of many people’s existence), has been an incredible asset when it comes to connecting with fans globally – to the extent that in the past could never be possible. Furthermore, the array of different conventions that I sign at offers another unique advantage of getting to meet fans in-person… that is insanely awesome! The craziest thing is when I get the criers… the people that are so overwhelmed that they are meeting me that they burst out into tears; or are shaking uncontrollably. Never in a million years would I think that I’d touch someone’s life in a way that would make them do such things – it is just mind-blowing and heartwarming!

3. Congratulations! You just hit the lottery for 100 million dollars! What do you spend it on?

I am a firm believer of living way below my means – so I don’t know if I would be going on any sprees at all to be completely honest. Maybe I would take a little more time off from working and spend a little more time traveling with my family to some extravagant locations around the world. I’d probably re-invest in properties and some stocks perhaps… develop a couple more projects. Who knows – let’s make it happen and we’ll find out! 

4. Do you have any hidden talents or party tricks?

I’m a wild and crazy guy! No, not really… I’ve calmed down in my old age. I think all my cool tricks and hidden talents have been utilized at this point!!! Damn it… I’ll have to come up with some new things.

5. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Watch out a little closer for the people who are out to take advantage of you… hurt, steal; or hate on you behind closed doors. There are unfortunately so many people who come into your life who are not healthy for you – they don’t have your well-being in mind… only the intent on furthering their own careers; or name value. Steer clear of this cancer. You also want to steer clear of the drama and negativity that comes along with being an entertainer; or entrepreneur. Develop thick skin early on and you’ll be much better off! Haha, I really don’t like being ‘dark’ about this; but it is a very important lesson to learn about coming up in this industry. 

6. Who, in the entertainment industry, do you love that you think more people should know about? Why? Shout them out and spread the love!

I love everyone. So many people who are incredible at what they do! I’d suggest doing a deep dive into a social media platform and just following and supporting as many people as possible… maybe you’ll start with me!

Thank you SO much for having me!!! You can find everything about me (if interested) on my Official website: therealbrimstone.com – There are links to all of my social directly on the site. I personally run all my social media – it isn’t my assistant, an intern or my wife… it’s me! So if you reach out – it will be me responding to you directly, and I love engagement. I am most active on Instagram at @therealbrimstone; but I’m everywhere including Twitter at @entrancetohell and Facebook at @Brimstone. If people are interested in using me IN their social media… you can find GIFs of me by searching Brimstone, gotBrim and @ghr among other keywords; or grab them from giphy.com/ghr.